In India, paleontologists at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee unearthed evidence of a prehistoric snake longer than a school bus.

Ancient Bronze Age Ship Reconstructed and Sails Again Ancient Bronze Age Ship Reconstructed and Sails Again

In Guatemala, archaeologists unearthed burned remains within an ancient Maya pyramid, hinting at a significant dynasty collapse. Luxurious artifacts found alongside scorched bones suggest a royal lineage, indicating intentional desecration.

Separately, in southwest France, archaeologists discovered two 5,500-year-old skeletons of women likely buried alive in a sacrificial rite resembling Italian Mafia-style torture.

For the first time, astronomers detected a rainbow-like phenomenon, known as a glory, on exoplanet WASP-76b. This intriguing discovery sheds light on the distant planet's unique atmosphere and composition.

Additionally, scientists unveiled the origins of Pluto's distinctive bright heart, attributed to a cataclysmic collision with another celestial body.

Astronomers identified a massive stellar black hole, Gaia BH3, in the Milky Way, nearly 33 times the mass of our sun and located 1,926 light-years away.

Furthermore, researchers accidentally discovered the underwater survival capabilities of queen common eastern bumblebees, suggesting a state of suspended growth called diapause.

As billions of cicadas emerge this spring, scientists anticipate the manipulation of these insects by a zombifying fungus, altering their behavior significantly