Officially known as Giurgiulești International Free Port, this strategic port is located on the Danube River at its confluence with the Prut River, approximately 133 kilometers from the Black Sea. It is Moldova’s only port accessible to ocean-going vessels and plays a crucial role in handling a diverse range of cargo with alongside depths of 7 meters.

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Bucharest is currently in discussions with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which fully owns the port through Danube Logistics. Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has previously mentioned the potential acquisition of Giurgiulești as a complementary asset to Constanța Port, Romania’s largest port. Constanța is undergoing a major expansion, partly driven by increased cargo flows from neighboring Ukraine.

Additionally, Bulgaria’s BMF Port Burgas has shown interest in investing in Giurgiulești, adding to the competition for the port’s acquisition.

Editor: Kemal Can Kayar