Grimaldi, who is also the President and Managing Director of Grimaldi Euromed SpA, will continue to lead ICS for another two-year term. The ICS represents 80% of the world's merchant fleet and is the main international trade association for merchant shipowners and operators.

Grimaldi expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am deeply honoured to have been re-elected as Chairman of the ICS for another two years. It is a privilege to be part of this important association and the great work and progress being made for our industry. We have made good stead with our proposals to help meet the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) net zero targets by or around 2050 and continue to work with UN bodies on the biggest issues impacting the maritime sector”.

During his first term, Grimaldi focused on decarbonising the maritime industry and played a key role in creating the Clean Energy Marine Hubs (CEM Hubs) initiative. He has also addressed major challenges such as increasing protectionism, digitalisation, seafarer recruitment and retention, and seafarer safety, especially amid geopolitical conflicts like those in Ukraine and the Red Sea.

Grimaldi highlighted the impact of current global conflicts on the maritime sector, stating, “We are navigating through very contentious geopolitical times, which has seen shipping and our innocent workers caught in the crosshairs of conflicts in the Middle East. This comes on top of the conflict in Ukraine and the attacks on merchant shipping in the Red and Black Seas have jeopardised the safety of our seafarers and disrupted trade. This is unacceptable and we will continue to shine a light on the heart of our industry – our seafarers.”

Guy Platten, Secretary General of the ICS, praised Grimaldi's re-election: “We are delighted that Mr Grimaldi will continue to steer the ICS for another two years. We look forward to continuing to work closely to drive meaningful change for the industry, facilitating trade and supporting our seafarers. There is much to be done but under Mr Grimaldi’s leadership I am confident that we will evolve with the industry and further advance the maritime sector.”

The ICS Annual General Meeting also saw the election of Metin Duzgit from the Turkish Chamber of Shipping as a new Vice-Chairman, and Martin Kröger, CEO of the German Shipowners’ Association, as the new Chair of the Marine Committee.